sears peyton 2007 "mei mei series"
sears peyton gallery
the mei mei series
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As a relative newcomer to the New York art world, I am not familiar with Jane Rosen’s long career as a successful artist, but her work resonates with deep thoughts and her skills level, combining figurative and abstract modes, is extraordinary. The Mei Mei Series is dedicated to the artist’s beloved dog Mayo, and, according to the artist, the word Mei Mei means little sister in Chinese and old lady in French. The entire series is a meditation on life cycles in animals, and these also symbolically represent humans, spirit worlds, and modes of consciousness.
The lifelike yet ethereal drawings and sculpture are clouded by a kind of cosmic pathos. Mei Mei’s Buddhis are six animal spirits poised against the stark white gallery wall just above viewers’ heads. Buddhi is a coined word co-joining buddhas and buddies. Each has its own distinctive materials and finish. Deer Girl has many layers. One doesn’t know what’s inside her. The outer body is a translucent glass through which a mottled, marbled dark and white pattern is pronounced in the torso area, yet this pattern elongates and fades in the limbs. The animal torso has no signs of gender......
please visit sculpture magazine october 2008 for the full review by jan garden castro
Birds Descending order
birds descending order
Studio Shot with Egyptian Falcon
studio shot with egyptian falcon
Deer Girl with lightray
deer girl, Glass, sumi-e ink and Marble Mix, 2005-2007, 32 x 6 x 5
elder care
elder care, 2007, Ink and Charcoal on Paper, 37 x 42
Many Days
many days, 2007, Casein, Ink, Beeswax and Charcoal on Paper, 38 x 50
Split Second
split second, 2007, Casein and Ink on Paper, 38x 50
swallow, 2007, Casein, Ink and Charcoal on Paper, 36 x 42
many days
many days, 2007, Casein, Ink, Beeswax and Charcoal on Paper, 38 x 50
Puppy Love
puppy love, 2007, Casein, Ink and Charcoal on Paper, 37 x 42