Mei Mei Series - the Art in America admei mei series art in america ad
Date: 03/15/2008
mei mei series art in america ad
Mei-Mei Buddhismei mei buddhis , installation
Date: 07/02/2007
mei mei buddhis , installation
deer girldeer girl, Glass, sumi-e ink and Marble Mix, 2005-2007, 32 x 6 x 5
Date: 04/15/2006
deer girl, Glass, sumi-e ink and Marble Mix, 2005-2007, 32 x 6 x 5
mei mei buddhimei mei buddhi, Marble Mix, limestone, willow and Pigment, 2007, 63 x 8 x 6
Date: 08/10/2008
mei mei buddhi, Marble Mix, limestone, willow and Pigment, 2007, 63 x 8 x 6
mayo buddhimayo buddhi, Marble Mix, willow and Pigment, 2007, 48 x 8 x 7
Date: 08/10/2008
mayo buddhi, Marble Mix, willow and Pigment, 2007, 48 x 8 x 7
ohdeersm copy.jpg
Date: 04/14/2006
owl girlowl girl, Provencal Limestone,casein and Sumi Ink, 2007, 38 x 10 x 10
Date: 07/25/2007
owl girl, Provencal Limestone,casein and Sumi Ink, 2007, 38 x 10 x 10
gamutbirds, limestone and pigment 2007, 37 x 189 x 40 installed
Date: 07/14/2007
birds, limestone and pigment 2007
installation shot studio
egyptian falconegyptian falcon 2007, Provencal Limestone,casein and Sumi Ink, 25 x 9 x 11
Date: 09/06/2007
egyptian falcon 2007, Provencal Limestone,casein and Sumi Ink, 25 x 9 x 11
Birds Descending orderbirds descending order
Date: 07/15/2007
birds descending order
limestone with sumi-e ink, casein and stain
Studio Shot with Egyptian Falconstudio shot with egyptian falcon
Date: 07/15/2007
studio shot with egyptian falcon
Deer Girl with lightraydeer girl, Glass, sumi-e ink and Marble Mix, 2005-2007, 32 x 6 x 5
Date: 07/29/2007
deer girl, Glass, sumi-e ink and Marble Mix, 2005-2007, 32 x 6 x 5
elder careelder care, 2007, Ink and Charcoal on Paper, 37 x 42
Date: 08/10/2007
elder care, 2007, Ink and Charcoal on Paper, 37 x 42
Many Daysmany days, 2007, Casein, Ink, Beeswax and Charcoal on Paper, 38 x 50
Date: 07/05/2007
many days, 2007, Casein, Ink, Beeswax and Charcoal on Paper, 38 x 50
Split Secondsplit second, 2007, Casein and Ink on Paper, 38x 50
Date: 07/05/2007
split second, 2007, Casein and Ink on Paper, 38x 50
Swallowswallow, 2007, Casein, Ink and Charcoal on Paper, 36 x 42
Date: 08/10/2007
swallow, 2007, Casein, Ink and Charcoal on Paper, 36 x 42
many daysmany days, 2007, Casein, Ink, Beeswax and Charcoal on Paper, 38 x 50
Date: 08/02/2007
many days, 2007, Casein, Ink, Beeswax and Charcoal on Paper, 38 x 50
Puppy Lovepuppy love, 2007, Casein, Ink and Charcoal on Paper, 37 x 42
Date: 07/24/2007
puppy love, 2007, Casein, Ink and Charcoal on Paper, 37 x 42
meimei installation shot at Sears Peytonmei mei series installation at sears peyton gallery
Date: 09/05/2007
mei mei series installation at sears peyton gallery
Rook with Birds in the Studio facing southstudio shot with birds and rook facing south
Date: 07/26/2007
studio shot with birds and rook facing south
Studio shot with dogs outsidestudio shot with dogs outside
Date: 07/26/2007
studio shot with dogs outside
Studio Shot with Pawsstudio shot with paws
Date: 07/15/2007
studio shot with paws
glass falconglass falcon, 2007, Glass and Marble Mix, 20 x 3 x 2
Date: 09/07/2007
glass falcon